Dein digitales Lagerfeuer
Dein digitales Lagerfeuer

Cable Street

The battle of Cable Street is an important part of London’s history and Britain’s struggle against fascism but little known outside Britain. Laurin and Carla are taking you the mural in East London depicting the famous battle. You will also hear the story of Britain’s first ordained woman, Constance Coleman, who started her ministry in the streets behind the mural, and of the first ‘illegal’ Minister in Switzerland Greti Caprez-Roffler.

Question to the vicar: What stigma attached to the vicar profession annoys you most? And specifically being a woman in this profession?

Special guest: Reverend Sibylle Forrer, Kilchberg (ZH)

Podcast: Recording and editing by Laurin Reding and Carla Maurer; music and production by Julian Simmons.

Organ music: Hymn, Fredrik Sixten; performed by Peter Yardley-Jones; recorded by Julian Simmons.

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